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Seasonal Care Of Child Health

Most of the children experience few episodes of diarrhea in their early age. In winter, viral diarrhea is quite common. At present if we pay a visit to any children ward, we will find many cases of diarrhea of  Child Health with different grades of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.
We all know that causes of diarrhea may be due to virus, bacteria, parasite etc. In Bangladesh and other countries during winter, most of the causes of diarrhoea is due to virus and the commonest responsible one is Rota virus. Sudden onset of vomiting, frequent loose watery stool like corn soup with increased thirst are the predominant feature. Sometimes fever may be associated.
Contaminated food and water is the source of the Rota virus. Consequences of such diarrhea may cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance and occasionally may follow acute kidney injury or renal failure. Often Rota virus diarrhoea is called stomach flu.

Child Health
Treatment should be started as early as possible is better for Child health. Start ORS as soon as possible to prevent dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. If the child is less then one year old, 10- 20 tea spoonful of ORS should be given for each stool or vomiting. If age is two years or more, 20 to 40 tea spoonful of ORS should be given for each stool or vomiting.
Antibiotics does not help in viral diarrhea. Zinc syrup can reduce the duration, frequency and further attack. If dehydration is severe, hospitalization is recommended for administration of intravenous cholera saline. Following frequent diarrhea, perinatal (area around the anus) soreness is common. Zinc oxide cream application may help to reduce the irritation.
To prevent this viral diarrhea, most important measure is proper hand washing with water and liquid soap. Anti Rota viral vaccination also helps, which should be given in 2-6 months of age. Exclusive Breast feeding in first six month prevents diarrhoea episodes. Maintaining proper personal hygiene is very important for Child Health.
Avoiding dehydration:
  • Encourage your child to drink their usual amount of fluids. Children lose fluids through vomiting so your child will require extra.
  • Specially prepared children’s re hydration drinks can be bought from your local pharmacy. Always follow the instructions on the packet.
  • If your child refuses rehydration drinks try diluting fruit juice with water.
  • Sports drinks and energy drinks should be avoided as a rehydration fluid option.

  • Don't give your child any medicines to stop diarrhea without medical advice.
  • Antibiotics are not usually given to treat diarrhea and vomiting, as the cause of the condition is often due to a virus. Antibiotics only work on fighting bacteria and not viruses.
  • Keep your child away from other children while your child is unwell.

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